学生/家长手册 & 政策


All students engaged in 欧博体育app/Cheerleading shall be doing passing work in at least 25 credit hours (5 academic classes) of high school work per week. 驾驶教育不属于25小时工作制的一部分. Students not meeting this requirement shall be ineligible for seven (7) calendar days beginning the day immediately after the coach is notified.

Student-athletes must have passed and received credit toward graduation for twenty-five (25) credit hours (5 academic classes) of high school work for the entire previous semester to be eligible at all during the ensuing semester.

A student shall be eligible through age nineteen (19) unless the student shall become twenty (20) during a sport season, 在这种情况下,参赛资格应在该赛季的第一天终止(赛季的定义见第5条).000条附例). (IHSA 3.060)

A student must be in attendance by 10:00 AM and remain in attendance the rest of the school day in order to participate in an extra-curricular practice or event.  如果学生上午10点以后来学校, 他们必须有医疗或牙科诊所的证明,才有资格参加体育或课外活动.  Students who leave school after 10:00 AM will only be eligible for athletic or extra-curricular participation on that day, 如果他们去看医生或牙医. 学生返校时需携带医生或牙医开具的证明.  Students who leave school for any other reason after 10:00 AM will be ineligible for athletic or extra-curricular participation. 

家长/监护人通过自己的保险承担运动员的责任. 家长/监护人必须在学年或第一个运动赛季开始前签署保险弃权书. The waiver allows the parent to indicate all sports that the athlete will be participating in during that school year.

所有参加者在练习前必须进行身体检查. School shall have on file for each student who participates (including practice) in interscholastic athletics a certificate of physical fitness issued by a licensed physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner as set forth in the Illinois State Statutes not more than 395 days preceding any date of participation in any such practice, 比赛或活动.(i.e., 365天+ 30从允许的物理日期)…欧博体育app物理形式可以在欧博体育app的网站上找到(r7pnp14.jiaheqipei.com)田径项目.

田径/啦啦队在艾尔曼高中是一项特权. 这种特权带来了一定的责任. 其中一项职责是呈现一个合适的运动员/啦啦队长的形象. 管理部门保留决定什么是合适的欧博体育app运动员/啦啦队形象的权利. 除了, 任何被认为不合适的发型, 非凡的, 否则就会违反运动规则. 在训练或比赛期间,所有运动员都不能佩戴首饰.

玩家丢失的装备必须由玩家赔偿. 费用将视设备的状况而定. 一个运动员将不能开始下一个运动赛季,直到丢失的装备被支付或更换.

Coaches who observe students wearing school athletic equipment out of season should reclaim it or notify the Director of 欧博体育app This is the responsibility of all the Coaches.


运动员/啦啦队员的严重或严重或轻微的违法行为是不被容忍的. (见第41页) & 45.)艾尔曼运动守则适用于赛季、休赛期和夏季. 除学生守则外,欧博体育app运动员和啦啦队员也须遵守本运动守则. The head coaches and Athletic Director reserve the right to dismiss any Alleman Athlete or Cheerleader for conduct detrimental to Alleman High School or their respective squads. 注:

  1. 如果学生目前正在参加一项运动, they will be punished during that season - if there is less competitions than the punishment prescribes left in the season the AD will determine how many games the athlete must sit out in that student’s next athletic season.

  2. 如果学生目前没有参加某项运动, 该禁令将对他们接下来参加的任何项目生效. 除非学生 以模范队友的身份结束那个赛季 没有进一步的事故. 如果学生没有完成学期,或者已经完成 dismissed for violating team rules then the full prescribed suspension is carried over into the next sport the student participates in.

  3. 停赛时间将根据常规赛比赛的数量而定. 因恶劣天气等原因而取消的比赛. 不会被罚停赛吗.

第一次进攻 -拥有或使用非法药物或在有非法药物的地方逗留的最低限度停职, 包括未成年人饮酒, or other Grave Offenses as listed in the Handbook is one-third of the scheduled athletic events in which the team competes, 并且他/她在身体和学术上都符合条件. 在犯罪的时候, 体育主任将决定该运动员不符合参赛资格的项目数量.

志愿录取, 以书面通知校长或副校长, 由学生违规涉及药物滥用将导致后果减少一半. 这项规定的目的是鼓励学生为自己的行为/决定承担责任. The voluntary admission may NOT be used if the rule infraction is already known to Principal and/or Assistant Principal. 这项规定只能在高中生涯中使用一次,并且只能用于初犯.

高中时第二次犯罪 The athlete/cheerleader will be suspended for two-thirds of the scheduled athletic events in which the team competes, 并且他/她在身体和学术上都符合条件. 然而如果, 第二次违规发生在第一次违规的365个日历日内, 然后将暂停一个日历年. 无资格期间不得同时执行. 在犯罪的时候, 体育主任将决定该运动员不符合参赛资格的项目数量.

高中时第三次犯罪 - The student will be suspended for a minimum of one calendar year from the date of the offense with the possibility of no further participation unless 50 hours of work detentions at Alleman are satisfactorily completed. A student serving an athletic suspension must be a fully participating member of the team for the entire season for the suspension to be considered fulfilled. 唯一的例外是暂停一个日历年.


  • 数字 -授予完成赛季的新生运动员, 满足性能, 行为, 以及总教练制定的出勤要求. 在艾尔曼,只有一组数字被授予学生运动员.

  • 二年级书信—— 授予完成赛季的大一或大二学生运动员, 满足性能, 行为, 以及总教练制定的出勤要求. 在艾尔曼大学,只有一封二年级的录取通知书是发给学生运动员的.

  • 校信 -授予学生运动员, 不管成绩如何, 谁来完成这个赛季, 表演, 行为, 以及总教练制定的出勤要求. 在艾尔曼大学,只有一份校队通知书被授予学生运动员.

  • 针, 每获得一封校队信件就会获得奖励.

  • 证书, 颁发给任何学生运动员, 不管成绩如何, 谁来完成这个赛季, 满足性能, 行为, 以及总教练制定的出勤要求. 当适当的数字或字母已经被授予时,颁发证书.

The student-athlete must have turned in all school issued equipment/uniform and/ or any outstanding fundraising money before any awards will be issued.

Any student-athlete who transfers from another school will only be allowed to earn the award that corresponds to the year he/she transferred and any award thereafter. 例如:如果一个符合条件的二年级学生转学并获得了二年级的录取通知书, 他/她无法收到来自Alleman的新生号码.

An athlete/cheerleader will not transfer from one squad to another for any reason after the first contest of that sport. 体育主任将对所有此类事件做出最终决定.

Joining any athletic team after the official start of the season as indicated by the IHSA calendar must be approved by the Athletic Director in consultation with the Administration.

如果学生运动员考虑在同一赛季参加两项运动, 这必须在正式训练开始前与体育主管讨论. 各自的教练, student-athlete and parents must agree to any consequences that may arise as a result of both schedules; including all practices and contests.

平衡两项运动和全部学业负担是一个巨大的挑战. The Athletic Department will only support this if there is a written agreement identifying all commitments and the details of such arrangements. 这份协议必须由总教练签署, 的学生运动员, 家长和体育总监.

啦啦队选拔将在下一学年的4月或5月举行. 这包括足球和篮球的副业精神队. 大学代表队和/或二年级代表队将根据人数和需要. The Alleman head coach and a panel of experienced individuals will judge the tryout and determine the squads accordingly.

“体育精神是一种荣誉品质,它要求欧博体育app始终保持礼貌。, 公平, 和尊重, 这也体现在球员的行为上, 观众, 教练和学校主管部门.” ——菲尔丁·约斯特

Alleman High School is a member of the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) and supports the sportsmanship mission statement of that organization: "Good sportsmanship is the attitude and 行为 that exemplifies positive support for the interscholastic programs of IHSA member schools, 以及参与这些项目的个人. People involved in all facets of the interscholastic program are expected to demonstrate respect for others and display good sportsmanship."